Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday, May 28

JP and I met with Dr. C, an ENT, today. She did several tests on JP, looked at this previous tests, and told JP about his options. Basically, his hearing in his left ear is probably gone. She told us that an MRI will not show bruising and how much damage the 8th cranial nerve suffered. I am not sure why the neurologist told us that it would. Anyway, he has three options:

1. CROS Hearing Aid: A contralateral routing of signals (CROS) hearing aid is a type of hearing aid that is used to treat unilateral hearing loss. It takes sound from the ear with poorer hearing and transmits to the ear with better hearing. Systems can involve two behind-the-ear units connected either by wire or by wireless transmission.

2. BAHA Hearing Aid: A Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid is a type of hearing aid based on bone conduction. one-anchored hearing aids use a surgically implanted abutment to transmit sound by direct conduction through bone to the inner ear, bypassing the external auditory canal and middle ear. A titanium "post" is surgically embedded into the skull with a small abutment exposed outside the skin. A sound processor sits on this abutment and transmits sound vibrations to the external abutment of the titanium implant. The implant vibrates the skull and inner ear, which stimulate the nerve fibers of the inner ear, allowing hearing.

3. Do nothing.

Dr. C told JP to guard his hearing in his right ear carefully. She told him that the ringing that he has will probably diminish over time. She also spoke with him about safety. He needs to walk with his good ear facing traffic, really look carefully when he crosses the street, etc...

JP didn't seem open to the option of the BAHA implant, but as time passes, maybe that will change.

The good news: the MRI showed no tumors or abnormalities and the EEG came back negative.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday, May 24

Quick JP update. Wednesday morning JP and I left at 6:30 AM to go to Rohnert Park so that he could take his computer science final at 8:00. At 12:00 PM he went the the computer lab and finished up work for that class. Two classes down, two classes to complete this summer. We were both tired after a long day, but happy that he was able to complete that class.

Friday he had his EEG and an eye x-ray. This morning he had his MRI. He and Brent can compare what it feels like to have an MRI on your head.

Thursday is his next doctors appointment. So....more waiting!

Happy Memorial Day weekend!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday, May 17

Hello Everyone,

I haven't posted for a couple of days, mostly because there isn't much to tell about JP. He says that his dizziness is all gone. He still can't hear, but still has ringing in that ear. Today he drove for the first time. He and Freddie went to Danville for a European car meet.

His next appointments are: Friday for the EEG (brain scan) and Sunday for the MRI.

On a different note: Natalia bowled in Pacifica today, she bowled her first 600 series! While she was bowling, JP and Freddie saw 3 whales while they were on the beach. Fun day!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday, May 13

It seems hard to believe that JP's accident was two weeks ago. We all realize how life can change in the blink of an eye, but I believe that most of us do not think that such event will happen in their lives.

I was driving on the freeway Tuesday, when it hit me: We are so lucky that JP is still alive and that he his injuries weren't much worse.

A friend asked today how JP is doing emotionally. He was wondering about depression. So far, JP's spirits seem up. I think that he knows how lucky he is. Plus, his friends have been great about coming over to see him and taking him places.

JP is a true child of this era. He immediately got on the computer and spent quite a bit of time doing research. For some people, the information might seem depressing, but he seems to take comfort in knowing what the doctors will probably tell him.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday, May 11

Happy Birthday, Mom (Raymonda or Abuela)!

JP's good news today is that a quick trip to the DMV showed no restrictions on his license yet. We will check again next week. He isn't ready to drive yet, but just knowing that he can drive when he is ready, is a big load off of his mind.

One of his professors wants a letter from his doctor stating that he was indeed in an accident. After we receive the letter, he can submit his application for incompletes for his classes.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Sunday, Mother's Day

Hello to all the mothers out there. I hope that everyone had a wonderful day. Nothing new to report on JP. We went to Rohnert Park today and cleared out the rest of his room. Freddie and JP drove his car home. Even though he can't drive right now, he was very happy to be back in his car. Tomorrow we go to DMV to see if he has been reported for having seizures.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday, Day 9

Not much new to report about JP today. In fact, I haven't even seen him today. He was still in bed when I left this morning and was gone with friends when I got home. He has an MRI scheduled for May 24 at 10:00 AM, and yes, I do realize that that date is a Sunday. When I questioned him about it, he said that the other choice was Saturday, May 23 at 9:45 PM. He also said that they told him to get an x-ray of his eyes. We aren't sure what that entails, but will find out soon enough.