Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thursday, Day 8

JP and I met with a neurologist for an hour today (I will call her Dr. Neuro, she doesn't want her name on a blog.) She asked him many questions about the accident, some of which he couldn't answer, such as how it happened, etc... The main points that JP and I came away with were:

1. Like Dr. T, she doesn't think that JP had a seizure seizure. She called it a recovery seizure, which would not be uncommon considering the fact that he lost consciousness. However, she has ordered an EEC, a test that measures brain waves.

2. She wants him to be seen by a head and neck doctor, and also ordered an MRI with emphasis on the ear area. She wonders if maybe the 8th cranial nerve, it controls hearing, has been bruised or severed. If there is only bruising, JP will most likely regain some, if not all, of his hearing. If it is severed, hearing in that ear will be lost.

After the neuro appointment, JP went for a hearing test. It showed what we suspected, that he has no hearing in that ear.

Now we wait for more phone calls for more doctors appointments.


  1. This is Abuela writing--
    I know that this is tough for all of you, but, as Sara says, "Danes don't give up." It sounds as if the doctors are doing all that needs to be done for JP. We love you and keep the positive thoughts going your way.

  2. Wow! So now you know the next step. I know this is hard for you to go through. I am still so thankful that JP's injuries were not much worse!

    We're praying for a complete recovery.

    Love you,
    Michelle & boys

  3. Been following JP's progress here. Really hope that if he doesn't have permanent damage to the 8th cranial nerve. Unfortunately, I'm a bit of an expert on that particular cranial nerve since it is where I grew a tumor. And I also know that suddenly being Single Side Deaf is not much fun either. Keeping fingers crossed that the hearing loss is temporary. Meanwhile, sending lots of prayers your way. Tell JP to stay away from balance beams, tight roaps, etc . LOL
    Debbi (Meeks) Bifulco
