Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tuesday, Day 6

JP and I went to see his medical doctor today. He spent quite a bit of time with us, we left with some questions answered and a few new questions.
#1 We have been concerned about the possibility of seizures. Dr. T thinks that maybe he had mild trauma induced seizure and will most likely never have one again. He didn't seem the least bit worried about it.

#2 JP still can't hear out of his left ear. Dr. T did not see any fluid in that ear. He had a quick consultation with a head and neck doctor. They would like for JP to have a audiology test. The head and neck doctor thinks that JP has a basilar skull fracture. (DO NOT Wikipedia it, you will be terrified, I was.) The audiology test will show whether JP has permanent hearing loss or not. Dr. T started him on Musinex and Flonase with the hope that maybe the hearing loss is built up fluid.

#3 We will still see the neurologist on Thursday. They will probably order a CT scan.

#4 JP was told flat out: "Do not bump your head anytime in the near future. If you do, chances are you will die." He wants him doing no activities where there is any chance of head injury.

It all sounds rather bad, but we actually left there feeling better. JP has been very concerned about driving because of the seizure thing and DMV. Dr. T helped put his mind more at ease about that.

Sunday night JP asked me, "Is this what it feels like to be Grandpa?" He was refering to being deaf in one ear. I told him, "Yes, and unfortunately, Dwight is deaf in the same ear." That got a chuckle out of him.

Now we wait for more doctors appointments. Tomorrow we are going to Sonoma to speak with professors, get more stuff out of his room, see his "Biking Gang" and pick up 1 of the 3 bikes he has there.

Thanks to Chase for sending the pictures so that everyone can see his bike.

More tomorrow.


  1. Meredith here...

    Great update, thanks Lorri. What is the process for getting JP cleared with the DMV to drive again? A medical clearance from his neurologist?

  2. Lorri... Thanks so much for doing the updates. You, Freddie, JP and Natalia are constantly in my prayers. Bikes are replaceable,family is not!!

    JP... take it easy, listen to the doctor..and your mom, praying for a complete healing!

    Michelle and boys
